Hi my name is Tony Overton. I’m a businessman that has work his way through hands-on engineering and have made my way into corporate management. I am proud of my achievements but at the same time I’m not too focused on work and try to create and develop a good work / lifestyle balance.
I try to keep myself fit and healthy but at the same time, I like to entertain myself and others and as a result, I like to travel, party and meet other people and cultures around the world.
I live in the UK that have many friends in the US that I have built up during my years in business. I’ve been traveling to the US for a while now where I spend about 4 months of the year working there. The company I work for has an apartment in Southern California where I live during those 4 months. It can get a bit boring at times, so I decided after a little while of debating about it to write a blog.
I do get feedback from my readers and I’ve discovered that my posts have been inspiring for a number of people and have motivated others to make life decisions and even change areas of their life.
This blog is all about what I know which is business, lifestyle, money and also engineering thrown in here and there.
The focus for this blog is to study topics that people want to read about. My website’s purpose therefore is to inspire and educate my readers. I am a true believer that gaining knowledge in life has the potential to empower you to achieve a lot of what you want in your life. I believe that educating yourself across a broad range of subjects will provide that all important balance in life and place you on a higher level and more successful, fulfilled path in life.